Credit Ratings

Strong issuer and financial strength ratings have been assigned to Definity Financial Corporation and its subsidiary Definity Insurance Company by major credit rating agencies. The ratings are reflective of Definity’s strong capitalization and liquidity, extensive distribution network, and established enterprise risk management framework. The ratings also help to indicate Definity’s ability to meet its obligations to policyholders, investors, and others.

Financial strength ratings (FSR)
Name AM Best DBRS
Definity Insurance Company A- (excellent)
Issuer credit rating (ICR) / Issuer rating
Name AM Best DBRS
Definity Financial Corporation bbb- (Good)
BBB (high)

Issuer ratings and financial strength ratings information is provided via independent third-party resources. Definity Financial Corporation and its affiliates do not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, or availability of ratings information. Additional information and the latest ratings are available on the web sites of the respective rating agencies. A rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities or to insure, and is subject to revision or withdrawal at any time by the rating agency.